
Bolan Castings Limited (BCL) is committed to the highest standards of business conduct in its relationships with associates, customers, suppliers, shareholders and other stakeholders. It is BCL’s policy to conduct business with honesty and integrity and in compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

The directors, senior management and all other employees of BCL are expected to conduct their business dealings honestly, openly, fairly, diligently and courteously and in a manner that enhances the image of the Company as well as Group and never compromised the Company’s integrity. The purpose of this Code is to describe standards of conduct expected of directors, senior management and other employees in their dealings on behalf of the Company.


This Code is applicable to all the directors, senior management and other employees of the Company.

Standards of Conduct

Every director, senior management and other employee of the Company shall ensure that he / she:

  • Shall not engage in business activities, either directly or indirectly, with a customer, vendor, supplier or any other third party, which are inconsistent with, or contrary to, the business activities of the Company.
  • Shall not engage in any activity that might create a conflict between personal interest and the Company’s interest. Any situation that involves or may reasonably be expected to involve, a conflict of interest should be disclosed promptly in order to seek guidance from the Board.
  • Shall not use his / her respective position to force, coerce, harass, induce, intimidate or in any manner influence any person for personal gain.
  • Shall maintain the confidentiality of information entrusted to him / her by the Company, its customers, suppliers or business associates of the Company, except when disclosure is authorized or legally mandated and shall ensure that no such confidential information is used for personal advantage or benefit.
  • Shall protect the Company’s property and assets and have them utilized reasonably and effectively for the Company’s business purpose, and shall not use them to pursue personal opportunities and gain.
  • Shall refrain from insider trading and shall not use material information pertaining to the Company, before it is made public, for financial or other personal benefit and shall not provide such information to others.
  • Shall comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, agreements, guidelines, standards and internal policies, including other requirements incidental thereto.