Every Director and employee of Bolan Castings Limited believes and is committed to adopt fair means to perform all business activities, based on good moral values, which are generally acceptable on social, business and economic grounds.
Their conduct shall be based on and committed to integrity, objectivity, professional competence, due care, confidentiality, professional behavior and technical standards.
Purpose and Value of Business
Manufacturer of castings of tractor parts, automotive parts, engineering and other that conform to the specified standards.
Recruitment of personnel on merit, offering training, career development, equal opportunities of growth, no discrimination or harassment and reward for achievement. Improved working conditions, ensuring safety, security and health.
Customer Relation
Ensure customer satisfaction by providing Quality product at competitive prices.
Shareholders, Financial Institutions & Creditors
Protection of investment made in the Company and appropriate return on money lent/invested. Achievement and prospects to be timely and accurately communicated.
Prompt settling of bills, coordination and cooperation to achieve Quality and efficiency. No bribery or excess hospitality to be accepted or given.
Society / Community
Compliance with the spirit of laws. timely payment of Government taxes and dues thereby contributing for uplift of society and extending training including other appropriate activities for uplift of community.
The Company neither support any political party nor contribute funds to groups or associations whose activities promote political interests.